Sunday 7 August 2016

Tri-Coloured Kueh Lapis 


This recipe is adapted from Mimi's bakery page ( decided to try out the tri coloured kueh lapis .Below is the recipe which have did some adjustments to my liking.


15 yolks

160g sugar
1.5 tbsp rum

98g Hongkong Flour

375g unsalted Saputo butter(Room Temperature)
3tbsp condensed milk
2 tsp vanilla essence

2/3 tsp baking powder

2/3 tsp Tempah Kueh(Lapis cake spice(Mixed Spice)

6 egg whites

3/4 tsp cream of tar tar
50g sugar

1.5 tsp chocolate paste

2 tsp pandan paste

How to bake:
1. Preheat oven to 180C with top and bottom heat. Lined a 8-inch square pan with baking paper and set aside.


2. Beat the butter, sugar  and condensed milk using a mixer until pale & creamy which took me about 6 minutes.  Ensure the butter is soft before beating it with the other ingredients.


3. Separate the yolks from the white.


4. Add in the yolks(2 yolks at a time) gradually to the No2. mixture .Add in the rum & vanilla essence.Mix well. 


5. Fold in the flour, baking powder and Rempah Kueh with a spatula and mix until well blended. Put aside.


6. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with cream of tar tar until frothy.


7.After which, add in the sugar and beat until stiff peaks are formed.

8. Take 1/3 of the egg white meringue and mix into the egg yolk mixture, mix well.


9. Pour the egg yolk mixture into the remaining egg white meringue and mix until well combined.

10.  Divide the batter into 3 equal portions: (My total batter weighs about 1260g so each portion I about 420g)
  • 1 portion = original batter
  • 1 portion = original batter + 2 tsp pandan paste
  • 1 portion = original batter + 1.5 tsp chocolate emulco (chocolate paste)

11.To get an even layer, weigh each of the batter for each layer. Each layer is about 70g of batter. Pour the first layer of pandan batter and bake it at 180C for about five minutes.  using top heat mode. Repeat the process until all the pandan batter been used finished, followed by chocolate batter  lastly the original batter. Note: I have greased every third layer with a little butter to ensure the kueh lapis stay moist.

12.Do take note that as the layer gets higher up, the time taken for the layer to be baked will decrease slightly to 4 mins as the layer becomes  nearer to the heating element in the oven. When baking the final layer  of batter, lower the temperature to 150C  and bake for 3-5 minutes, using top & bottom heat.

13. Remove the cake pan from the oven and let the Kueh lapis rest in the pan for 5 minutes. Invert the kueh lapis onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely.(Press slightly on the kueh lapis against the wire rack to get the lines onto the kueh.)


As each oven is different, do monitor the heat temperature and duration for the initial layers to check which duration/oven temperature works for you. Have fun baking!

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