Sunday 31 July 2016

Strawberry Jellyheart Cheesecake

This cheesecake is the one of my top favourite and so decided to start my blog with this post.

First chanced upon this recipe when my oven happen to be spoilt and was looking for a non bake recipe and it turn out to be pretty easy to make.

This recipe is first  adapted from the below website:

 I have modified certain portions of the recipe and below contains the revised recipe:

Use a 10 inch by 10 inch square pan(yield about 20-25 jellyhearts )

For the crust
-300 grams digestive biscuits
150 grams melted butter

For the cheesecake layer
-500 grams cream cheese (placed in room temperature for 2 to 3 hours to soften)
-1.5 tablespoon  gelatin powder
-1.25 cup  boiling water
-2/3 cup sugar
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-12 strawberries

For the jelly layer
-180 grams strawberry flavoured jelly(I used tortally brand-2 boxes exactly)
-1 cup &1/4 boiling water
-1 cup  cold water


Making Cheese Layer

1.Place 150g of butter in a oven proof bowl and boil over small fire to melt the butter.
2. Dip a brush into the melted butter and butter a large rectangular pan generously. I used a 13 X 10 X 2 inch glass pan.Note: You should line the  base of pan with a large piece baking paper for easier removal of cheesecake later on. If you line the pan with baking paper, butter the baking paper all over as well.
3.Place 300g of digestive biscuits in a food processor. Process till they become fine crumbs.
4.Place the crumbs in a large bowl and add the melted butter. Stir well to combine.
5.Place the biscuits-butter mixture in the pan. Using a fondant smoother, pack the mixture tightly into the pan.
6.Once the crust is made, place the pan in the fridge and chill until ready to use.
7.Add 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of gelatin powder in a bowl. Add 1 & 1/4 cups of boiling water to the gelatin powder. Stir well till all the gelatin has dissolved. Set aside to cool.
8.Place 500g of cream cheese in a large mixing bowl. Add 2/3 cups of sugar.
9.Using an electric whisk, combine the cheese and sugar. The cream cheese must be soft otherwise it will be very hard to mix here. Whisk till the mixture is light and fluffy.
10.Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to the cream cheese mixture.
11.Add the cooled gelatin mixture a little at a time. Whisk well to combine.
12.The finished mixture should be a runny smooth liquid. Like a milkshake. If there are lumps, run the mixture through a sieve.
13.Remove the pan from the fridge. Using a fork, prick holes all over the biscuit base.(This step is required to allow the cheesecake to be able to stick with the biscuit base)
14.Pour the cream cheese mixture on to the biscuit base.
15.Let the mixture rest in room temperature for about 10 minutes.
16.In the meantime, cut the strawberries. Cut them first in half. Look for the thicker side and cut lengthwise across it so that each strawberry heart is thick. Then at the top of the strawberries, slice off the white tops with the leaves and cut a deep V in the centre.
17.Press each strawberry half into the cream cheese mixture. Let the strawberry sink in gently. Space the strawberries 1 inch to 1.5 inches apart. Cover the pan with cling film wrap.
18.Place the pan in the fridge. Chill for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Making Jelly Layer

19.Use strawberry jelly powder to make the top layer. Place 160g strawberry jelly powder in a bowl. Add 1 .25 cups of boiling water. Whisk well till jelly powder has dissolved. Add 1  cups of cold water. Mix well.
20. Ensure that the jelly-water mixture has cooled. Pour the mixture over the cream cheese layer.
21.Cover with cling film wrap again. Chill for at least 4 hours.
22.Use a sharp knife with a thin blade to cut the jelly hearts. Prepare a large jar of boiling water. Dip the knife into the water. Wipe it off and cut. Repeat that with every cut to get a nice clean cut with no crumbs sticking at the sides.
23.Store uneaten cheesecake covered in the fridge.

Side note: I have tried the same cheesecake with other flavoured jelly and fruit as well and the combination of lychee with raspberry flavoured jelly is good too!